For a number of years, THNICF has been conducting many capacity building programs to address different target groups, including village technicians to maintain community networks, network engineers and operators as well as the general public. In particular, in early 2019, THNICF organized an IT camp called the “Baengpun Camp” at Tak Pittayakom School in Tak province where Thai youth living in this small-economy province were taught to construct websites to develop their potential and give them the skills required to find gainful employment and reduce migration to Thailand’s major urban centers.
From these activities, THNICF realized that its focus on capacity building should be made prominently visible with long term planning and clear objectives. The foundation has agreed to establish the THNIC Academy, as a capacity building arm in Mueang district, Tak province. The center aims to strengthen local youth with technical skills and an entrepreneurial mindset to make them capable of supporting the entire community in digital migration. By connecting local youth with their community, all should become digital ready to be part of a long-term sustainable digital society.
- Serve as a center for digital skills development with access to resources, including advanced facilities, high speed Internet and qualified instructors
- Provide and promote networking opportunities for local youth and small business operators to facilitate joint projects and future collaborations
- Act as a learning centre for community members to enhance their skills and encourage innovative ideas.
Target groups
- Secondary, vocational and higher education students
- Tak provincial residents
- Small business operators
Tak province is one of the poorest provinces in Thailand with the least broadband coverage. It has thus been chosen as a THNIC community network site for development since 2013. THNIC Academy will provide a learning center in Tak province, offering facilities for local application and content developers, training rooms and a meeting place for other Internet development activities.
56/1 Mahadthai Bumrung Road, Rahaeng subdistrict, Mueang district, Tak province

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